I’m Running a Marathon

Hi Fans!

It’s been a long time since I have posted. I’m sure that you are hoping for some new, exciting literature, but today, that’s not why we are here.

Let’s talk about water, and running.

My church has teamed up with a World Vision, a charitable organization, to bring water to (hopefully) 40,000 people in the province of Rajasthan, India. To do this, my church and World Vision have formed a team to run the 2022 Chicago Marathon.

Rather than make you read things twice, I’m going to provide you with the link to my World Vision/ Willow Creek team page, where you can read my story and learn more about what we are trying accomplish. In short, I am trying to raise $2,000 for the event, which is enough money to bring water to 40 people in Rajasthan. I would be deeply grateful if you would consider sponsoring me in this endeavor. Even if you only can afford a few dollars, those few dollars have the power to transform lives, and I’d like to challenge you to helping me reach my goal.

Here’s the link to my team page: https://www.teamworldvision.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.participant&participantID=353175

Thank you all!


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